Snoring is the respiratory structures vibration , The Sound caused is due to the obstructed air movement while breathing during sleeping.
Some times this sound may be soft and in other cases can be upleasant.
It's can be symptom of obstructive sleep apnea .
Snoring can be cause usually by the following thnigs.
1 Throat weakness.
2 The That Fat gathering in and around the throat.
3 Obstruction in the nasal passageway.
4 Obstructive sleep apnea.
5 The tissues at the top of airways touching each other, causing vibrations.
6 The Relaxants such as alcohol or drugs relaxing throat muscles.
7 Sleeping on one's back, which may result in the tongue dropping to the back of the mouth
Snoring treatment almost it's all about clearing the blockage in the breathing passage. This is the reason snorers are advised to lose weight , stop smoking; and sleep on their side; A number of other treatment options are also available, ranging from over-the-counter aids such as nasal sprays, nasal strips or nose clips, lubricating sprays, oral appliances and "anti-snore" clothing and pillows, to such unusual activities as playing the didgeridoo.
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